Alpine demo (x86_64)

Example of running Alpine Linux (x86_64) on browser using QEMU Wasm.


Once the login prompt is launched, you can login as root. The guest contains vim, python3 and wget, etc.


The guest VM performs HTTP(S) networking via the HTTP(S) proxy running inside the browser. Out-of-browser proxy service is NOT used. It relies on Fetch API for communicating with outside of the browser.

For example, the following gets the contents of the demo page.

wget -O -

NOTE: After boot, you might need to wait for several seconds until the networking is fully configured.

The proxy is experimental and has limitations:

Please see also QEMU Wasm repo (and its networking docs) for the details and other less-restricted networking methods (e.g. WebSocket + networking stack outside of the browser).

Tested on Google Chrome 130.0.6723.58. More info including docs and source code is available from QEMU Wasm. This page is served from qemu-wasm-demo repo as GitHub Pages.

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